Thursday, December 27, 2007


Finally the holidays are almost over. One more to go... I love Christmas and all, but I am so glad that it is over and done. We decided to have Christmas dinner at my house and I was okay with that. It was just really hard since half my house is in boxes since we are moving.. Christmas was great and I enjoyed being with family.. Glad it's over though.

Hopefully our house will close either today or tomorrow so we can move on Saturday. Our landlord has rented the apartment already and so we have to be out by Monday.. Our loan officer says they are working on our loan finishing up the last little bit and that has been going on for a week now. So I have no idea when closing will be and I just hope that it gets done today so we won' be homeless!!! My house is almost packed and we are ready to go.. We tied to get it done before Christmas, but that didn't happen. Today is the closing date and so it needs to be done today!!! So we will just see what happens..

Life is great and we are just busy packing and cleaning and stuff.. It will be a while before I will post again. Tomorrow my Internet will be just down so we can move and will be up next week. When we get moved I will update on our move and have some pictures of our house!!! I am so excited to have a house and actually be settled for a while...

Hope everyone had and great Christmas and have a wonderful New Years!!!

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Abriee Jo....

Last week Abriee had a well child check up and she is doing good. She weighs 18 ilbs 3 oz which is very well, but she has actually gone down on the growth chart. When she had her 6 month checkup he was in the 50th percentile with weight and height and at 9 months she is in the 37th percentile. So we have to make sure she gets more to eat than just formula and baby food. Hopefully she will get back up when she foes in for here 1 year checkup. There is also a bump on the side of her eye and so she had to see the eye doctor this week to see what's up with that. Well it turns out she a dermoid cyst ( happens in the womb when the skull grows togther, skin gets caught in the skull so when it grows together the skins grows outward) Nothing really serious, but she does have to have it removed. So next Thursday (20th) she goes in to have it removed. It is only about 1/2 hour procedure and she will go home same day. They do have to put here totally asleep and hopefully she will do well with that when waking up.. It is just always scary when your little one has to go through things like that. Even though it is a safe proceedure, there is always something that could happen. So she just needs to grow a little more and get back on the charts!!!!

The inspector is out atthe house today so we will know for sure tomorrow what the deal is and when we will close for sure.. Still looks like we will be in our new house by the 29th of the month. Still running sround like chickend with our head cut off getting things signed, packing, Christmas, and doctors. What a crazy month. I will be happy when it is all done..

This is the picture when we took the kids to see Santa..Payton loves Santa!!

Sunday, December 9, 2007

Fun in the snow...

These last few days Abriees been sick. She will sporadically throw up all over us and she just sleeps all day... On top of Abriee being sick I woke up this morning with Pink Eye.. What a thrill. So needless to say I didn't really feel up to dealing with a sick child in church so we stayed home... Ray decided that he need some air so while Abriee was taking a nap Ray took Payton outside to play in the snow... Payton looked so cute in his snow suit. He could barely walk with the big bulking suit on.. It was so funny..
Payotn before going outside!!!!
Payton making a snow angel!!! Attempt anyways!!
Payton playing outside trying to see with the huge snow suit on!!!
Not a very event full day and I should have been in church, but I was a slacker and stayed home.. One sick kid and one out of control kid equal headache and I already had a huge one!!!

Saturday, December 8, 2007

Going, going and going..................

Last night we took the kids to see Santa. Payton hated it and cried the entire time and Abriee seemed okay with it until she looked at us and realized we were not near.. It was so funny. I guess we will try next year and see what happens.. My kids do not like Santa.. Earlier this week we finally got around to putting our tree up and decorating. The kids were not so much help as they had to get into everything and even breaking an ornament or two.. They finally found the Christmas stockings and that was fun enough for them.. They seemed to think that they were hats cause they put them on and thought they were so skilled.. But hey they are pretty cute eh???

Like I have stated in previous blogs we have decided to buy a house. We have been looking in the Ogden area and really only because it is cheap!!!! We like cheap.. I also like Ogden and had spent a couple years there going to school so I am okay with it. I know its kinda way out there but that's okay too.. So the past few weeks we have been looking at houses and driving back and forth is the pitts. Especially the gas prices.. Talk about a whole in your pocket!!! Finally after weeks of looking we have found one that we like. The owner wants it closed by the end of the month. So closing date is set for Dec. 27.. What a great Christmas gift for Ray and I.. Kids don't really care so that is a good thing as well. Hopefully things will go smooth and after Christmas we will be in our new house.. This is what the house looks like from the outside.. It come with 1/4 acre and is 3 bedroom 1 bath.. It is so stinking cute... We just hope all goes well..

I have been doing so much getting all the documents signed and faxed, the other day I was working with my printer. It is having major issues. Abriee was playing in here exersaucer and it got really quiet. I looked over and she was a sleep. She was so cute so I had to get a picture..

Friday, November 30, 2007

Pictures, pictures and more pictures

Today I took Payton and Abriee to Kiddie Kandids to have their pictures taken, but Payton would have nothing to do with it. The minute we walked in he started crying. I was sooo mad at him. We did get him to sit and take two pictures, but they were so ugly I just decided to have Abriees pictures done. And she is soooo stinkin' cute.. Here are what we had done...

I just can't get over how adorable she is... We have such a hard time getting her smile in the picture because she is so quick with her smiles it takes forever. For these 6 poses it took us almost and hour.... Crazy huh??? I was pretty disappointed that I couldn't get Payton to get his done. I wanted so bad to have them together.. Oh well maybe in a week or so.. But here are some of them that we had done about 2 weeks ago...
Abriee and I just hanging out..
Payton and Abriee trying to get along..
Ray and I showing our love...
Abriee just hanging out by herself.. How cute is she??

Monday, November 26, 2007

Back to normal!!!!

Sorry that I have been out of commission for a while. The kids have finally gotten better and then I got sick.. I had done something to back and it killed to sit, stand,walk, and even sleep. My back has finally gotten better and now we are back to being somewhat normal again.. Then Thanksgiving was here and getting ready for that took time and I was just busy my blog has been the last thing on my mind.. I finally have a few minutes to myself so I thought that I would take the time to catch up..

No one has missed much anyway. Same old thing here at the Keel household.. Work for Ray and taking care of kids for me.. Abriee is finally getting around. She has started crawling but of course not the normal crawling.. She crawls like an army man. I call her Army Abriee cause of the crawling.. It is so funny but man is she fast.. Then she just rolls around the house and can get anywhere just by rolling. I have no idea how many times we have all stepped on her cause we will just turn around and she is there. You can't even hear her half the time.. Now I have two kids that get into anything and everything they are not supposed to!!! What fun!!

We are also trying to buy a house so all our spare time we have been looking at houses and we just can't seem to fine one that we like.. We are planning to move to Ogden so we are always driving up there to look. Hopefully we will find one this weekend when we go up to look.. I am just so excited to have a house to fit my family instead of this two bedroom apartment.. It is just not big enough for the four of us. The kids also need their own room.. That is all that we are doing and hopefully by the end of the month or first of the year we will be in a house.. I am so excited...Here are some pictures that we Had taken this weekend.. They are just so dang cute!!!

Monday, November 12, 2007

Crazy Weekend

So like I have said Payton had Croup on Wednesday. Well he never seemed to get any better and so on Saturday I had to take him to the ER cause he had a fever of 102 that wouldn't go down no matter what I did. So Saturday afternoon when spent the afternoon in the hospital trying to figure out what was wrong with him. He just cried and sat around the house. He wouldn't even sleep because of his fever. Well anyway it turned out that he was a little dehydrated and had a major ear infection. After he got some drug in him he felt better and is well on his way to being himself again...It is good to be back to reality..

Luckily Abriee hasn't gotten any worse. Just the everlasting cold that never goes away. Other than that she is her normal self. We are trying to get her to crawl and she is well on her way.. She is at the rocking stage where sh will rock back and forth on all fours.. Hopefully soon she will catch on and get it.. I really don;t know why I want her to crawl, but if she can get where she wants to go then she won't cry as much...

I stayed home Sunday with all my sick kids and lounge around the house... After a while I decided That I needed to get out of the house and so we decided to load the sick kids up in the van and go for a drive.. Along our drive we saw a nice kitchen table sitting by a house that had a free sign on it.. So we asked the people if it was really free and they said yes so we loaded it up and took it home.. Now I have a really nice wooden kitchen table with four matching chairs.. And it was FREE!!!!!!!!!!! I love free stuff...

I had been trying to get ready to go to Ohio this week for a funeral. I found out that my grandma has passed away on Friday.. So we had been rushing around to get things ready to leave on Sunday and trying to get the kids better.. So having to spend the day in the ER was a nightmare with all the stuff I had to get done.. Laundry being the biggest one.. Well we found out Saturday night that my Aunt had cremated grandma and so services were going to be on the next Saturday instead of Tuesday like originally thought. So then we didn't have to leave until Wednesday. I was glad.. Gave me time to get things ready.. Well then on Sunday night we found out the my Aunt just got tired of dealing with everything and was mad at everyone and people were mad at her so she just dumped the ashes somewhere and now its all done.. That just pisses me off!! What a jerk... No one even got to say goodbye or anything.. I was so mad and my mom is so upset.. I feel so bad for her and she has been upset for the whole weekend and I can't blame her.. Sorry , but I guess I just needed to get it out... Some people just really have no respect for anyone and only care about what is easier for them.. How hard is it to say services are on Thursday at 10:00 am. If you make it you do you don't you don't.. Oh well... There is not even a place to remember her by... I just hope everyone will get over and my Aunt is really happy with herself and she feels better. She has screwed everyone out of closer and their final goodbyes.. She wasn't the only child... I just get so mad when things like that happen..

Well that was my weekend!!! Crazy, sad, bad and all that stuff... Hope everyone else had a good better weekend than I did!!!

Friday, November 9, 2007

What crazy kids I have..

Like I said previously, my kids have been sick and finally I had to take him to the doctor. He has Croup and so i have been trying to get him over that. Abriee has that never ending cold that won't go away... On the upside Ray is better so I really only have 2 sick kids and that is way better than 2 kids and 1 husband!!!! I am just waiting for Abriee to catch this Croup. The doctor said that she will most likely get it as well because it is so very contagious. Hopefully she won't get it and hopefully they will get better soon. Lack of sleep is catching up with Payton being up all night. Croup is worse at night and he can't sleep with all the coughing he does...

I have got the 2 craziest kids ever.. They both do things that are so funny. especially Payton.. he really keeps out lives so up beat with all his crazy stunts he pulls.. Here is just a few.. Yesterday after I put Payton down for a nap I had to go get Abriee some socks.. I looked in Paytons crib and he wasn't there. I looked everywhere for him and I couldn't find him. Now he can't go too far because the room is not that big. I was started to freak out thinking that someone broke in through his window and took him.. Then I found him!!!
He was sleeping under Abriees crib like and angel.. He is crazy!!!! Needless to say he didn't sleep too long. i could only imagine that he couldn't;t have been that comfortable anyway.. Later on I put Abriee down. Payton was playing with the thermometer. he hates that thing when we actually have to use it so I let him play with it in hopes that when we do have use it he will be okay with it.. I looked over at him and this he where he had the thermometer!!!
I can't figure out how to rotate the picture.. But I think that you get the point..

Then Abriee was a sleep later on and I went to check to see if she was awake. She won't cry sometimes and I check on her so she doesn't stay in there for a long time. So when I checked on her this is how I found her...
Isn't she just the cutest thing ever!!!! With these two kids they keep us on the go and really keep our lives up beat.. I love them to death and enjoy my days at home with them most of the time!!!

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Sick kids....

I am so sorry it has been so long... I have not been feeling so well. I have been tired and just sorta having lack of energy to do much.. Not to mention i have had 2 sick kids and 1 sick husband.. Well Ray counts as 3 sick people!!!! Don't know what it is but when he gets sick he is a pain!!! Complains all the time about being tired and needing some rest.. Where is my rest and when I am sick why don't I get to rest??? Joys of motherhood I guess.... So forgive me..Not much has been going on just up at nights with kids and all day try to figure out whats wrong.. I wish they would just tell me so I could fix it instead of playing the guessing game... Oh well hopefully tomorrow they will start to feel better..

Just to let everyone know the picture of Abriee in the last picture does make her look big. Everyone who sees the picture tells me.. To me she is big but compare her to any other 8 month old she is small..Just to let everyone know... I guess you have to see her to believe it.. And I also have a distorted view of what normal is.. When Payton was 8 months old he looked like he was 5 months old.. So what is normal I have no idea when it comes to children.. My babies are born small.. Payotn 3lbs 7.7oz 2 months early and Abriee 5lbs 12oz at 37 weeks. So whatever I love them to death... Sorry to run but one of the babies are awake and I need to go take care of it..And to think we are thinking about trying for number 3!!!! What are we thinking????

Friday, November 2, 2007

My Little Angel

I just got home and thought that I would share some pictures of Abriee that we had taken the other day.. I left both kids with Ray while I went
and hung out with my mom.. It was great to get away and have a break. Now Ray is asleep on the couch cause he hates going to be without me and I am just not so tired now.. So I guess that he will just have to sleep on the couch until i get ready to go to bed.. Anyway I thought that the pictures of Abriee were so adorable.. She is so cute and such an angel.. I just thought that I would share with everyone.. I can't believe that she is now 8 months old.. They grow toooooo quickly...

I posted the picture of both the kids on the side so don't miss that. Payton has some funky look cause that is all we could get him to do.. What a brat...

Mood Swings....

Okay so I thought that I had some really bad mood swings... Abriee has the worse than I do.. I feel bad for me when she gets older. This is here yesterday.. These pictures all happened with 1 minute.Yes all four of them!!! So check it out.. Happy, sad, sorta happy, and way not happy.. It is hilarious!!!

And yes for some reason my children are the happiest when they have something in their mouth.. Honestly, when they can chew on a wipe they are really the happiest..For some reason they will be content for hours as long as they have a wipe to chew on.. I have no idea what they get out of sucking on them, but they love it.. My philosophy is "whatever makes them happy!!!"

Now I don't mind the crying except when it is Abriee.. For some reason she has one of those cries that annoys me and goes right to my nerves.. So needless to say she is spoiled rotten. The second she starts to whine I instantly pick her up to see what she needs.. I make her happy and then go about my day.. So now she expects it all the time.. Now that is totally my fault!!! Shame on me.. I will never do that again with any other of our children.. Np more whiners.. One is enough!!!

Well I tried to get this on yesterday but I got busy and every time I sat down Abriee started to cry.. And as I said previously she takes control when she cries.. Right now the kids are taking a nap.. Well..Payton is in his room playing cause he just climbs out of his crib and Abriee is asleep on the couch.. Since Abriee sleeps on the couch for nap time, Payton stays in his room until she wakes up. Most of the time Payton will give in a take a nap, but he will sleep up against the door.. For some reason at nap time he climbs out of his crib,but at bed time he stays in.. I can't figure it out and have no idea what to do..If anyone has any ideas I am all ears.. I know the floor can't be too comfortable for him, but whatever...

I have to leave a picture of Payton cause he is just so stinkin' cute!!! So for now that's all and enjoy the moody Abriee for now.. I really hope that she gets over that soon!!!

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Trick or...... What??

We took to the kids to the ward trunk or treat tonight to enjoy a little trick or treating.. Payton was excited once again to get in his dragon costume and Abriee dressed up as a ladybug.. They were so cute.. Payton couldn't wait to get out the door... Since the church is literally right across the street we didn't have that far to walk and I didn't worry much about the kids getting cold.. Well I am an idiot because when we got home Abriees nose and ears were frozen!!! Poor little thing.. We were only out for half an hour... It was colder than I thought it would be.. The cold didn't phase Payton... He just from one to the other getting candy.. It was the funniest thing cause he couldn't figure out why there were so many kids and why the looked so different..So he walked around staring at everyone and holding up every line there was.. He was hilarious..Here are some pictures of the kids before we went out..

This is funny... Before we headed out of the house Payton realized that he had a tail to his costume and it freaked him out!! He was trying to run away from it and get it off. He screamed every time we put him down cause he could see his tail... It was the funniest thing ever.. So this is him crying because I set him down and he wanted away from his tail!!!!!

The final candy count!!! Pretty good for two little ones that can't talk and had to crowd their way in between the big kids eh???? Come on.. they won't even eat it.. Ray will oh yeah and I will get the good stuff!!! Although Payton did tear into the suckers before he went to bed.. He had to eat three at a time.. What a dork!!!
So there it is..Woo Hoo Halloween is over.. I am not a big fan so it is fine with me that it is DONE!!! Hopefully the older they get they won't care for it too much.. Hopefully take after me!! Candy candy candy.. That's all its about and I need none of that around our house!!

Hoped You Enjoyed Halloween!!! We Did!!!

Magic Dragon...

Payton attends a program called PEEP (which is an early intervention program for children who are behind in developing). Yes, my son is a slow developer in certain aspects.. Mostly speech and fine motor skills. So since today is Halloween they had a Halloween party. My mom bought Payton a "Magic Dragon" costume. ( I don't really care for Halloween so whatever Grandma buys it what we dress up as!!) I decided to dress him up and now he won't take it off.. I finally got it off and he threw the biggest fit ever.. I didn't want him to get lunch all over it before tonight. Our ward is having a Trunk-or-Treat and that is all we are going to do..Spend about an hour and they will have enough candy for a long while... Payton just loves his Magic Dragon costume and he thinks that he is really a dragon.. He walks around the hour going "woo woo" and then "ba ba". Whatever all that means... He waves his hands around as he says all this and its the funniest thing ever!!! I'm not really sure what he is trying to do, but it sure makes me laugh... Here is just a preview of what he looks like as the "Magic Dragon"...

Tonight I will have pictures of both kids!!! Abriee is going to be a ladybug!!!

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Time to spare?

So I started this blog in hopes that I would be able to keep up on it, but I have failed... I blame it on my boring life. Nothing really happens, just normal everyday things. I don't really do much cause I find that if I go anywhere just to go, I spend money that I shouldn't.. I only go to the store when I need to go grocery shopping or really need something.. See I have a hard time stopping myself from spending money. Not that it is anything for me, but that is why we have no room in our house and the kids have everything they could ever want.. They have enough clothes to last a lifetime.. So I stay home and do homey things or scrapbook.. You'd think that I would have all the time in the world to keep up a blog, but something always happens when I sit down at the computer to do so.. I blame that on my children who never listen to me.. Anyway I am going to try to do better..

Just a couple of pictures of Paytons favorite thing to do in the house.. Well besides totally destroy my once clean house!!!! Something about the couch being cushion less makes him happy!!! If you saw what my house looks like daily you'd really pass out and think of me as a slob!!!
Well I had more pictures but my computer is being dumb and I don;t have the time ti figure it out. When I get back I will fix it and get the other ones I have.. Until then enjoy Paytons cute face!!

Friday, October 26, 2007


Today as I was putting groceries away I turned on the t.v to have some noise.. The kids were napping and I wanted something to listen to.. I happened to turn to Oprah and she was talking about "Plural Marriages" the political correct term.. So I got interested just to see what these women have to say about their lifestyles and their beliefs.. They gave us a look at their homes and how they live.. Can I tell you they have some huge houses and they are gorgeous.. Not like anything you see in Colorado City, AZ... It is all mondern and the kids go to public school, play soccer, have music lessons and all that jazz...These women dress like us, act like us, and they have all the same technology that we do.. the only difference is that they share their husband with other women.. The lady on Oprah shared a husband with two other ladies and all together that had 22 kids with another on the way.. Crazy!!! I could never share my husband with anyone let alone a sister like most of them did.. I was just so interested by the way the think nothing is wrong. Of course they are not legally married, so I guess its just like having multiple mistresses since the husband can only be legally married to one of them.. They all look happy and act happy and I just wonder if they really are..

I also wonder what the husbands do to be able to afford the house they have with 33 bedrooms and 5 flat screen t.v's.. What the heck!!! How do they afford that when they have to take care of 23 children and 4 adults?? I have no idea where I am going with this, I just think its crazy that people really want to live that lifestyle and expect not to be looked at differently.. It was suggested that the polygamy or" Plural Marriages" (to be politically correct) not be a crime and punishable by prison time. They just want to be left alone. I mean I really don;t care what other people do in their lives, but I think it is definitely wrong to have multiple wives.. I really think it messes with the kids minds.. I don't know, it was just really interesting to hear their side and see how they really live and go about their daily lives.. Could you share your husband and be happy??? And am I the only one who thinks it's really crazy??

Thursday, October 25, 2007

Toooo tired !!!!!

Yesterday I was doing some stuff in the kitchen and walked into the living to find my angel asleep on the floor. It was the cutest thing ever.. Holding her toes and sleeping like a princess!!!! Payton was running around being loud like always and there she was... sleeping. So of course I had to get a picture and thought that I'd share it with you all.... It didn't last long.. Once Payton realized I was taking a picture he had to wake her up and hog all the attention.. he really is going to be the smallest bully ever!!!

Pumpkin Time!!!!

Last night we decided to get the pumpkins out... If we waited any longer we would have not done it and missed out on the fun!! Ray enjoys it more than me.. I think I may be allergic cause when I touch the inside of the pumpkin to clean it, I get a little rash and I am all itchy!!!! Yuck.... and Payton really enjoys it for some odd reason. He just like to eat the pumpkin and we found out so does Abriee.. Well she like anything that she can put in her mouth!!!! Ray enjoys carving especially when they turn out as cool as they did last night.. I have to say that last night we cut the pumpkin carving short and I put the kids to be cause they were driving me insane.. Neither one had a good nap and they were all fussy and way too much attitude for me!!! and not to mention that Abriee almost choked to death three time last night by trying to eat the seeds.. she turned blue once and we thought that we were going to need and ambulance.. But she finally coughed it up just to put more in her mouth... What a weirdo!!! She ate some pumpkin and wasn't too fond of it.. So after about and hour of it I bathed them and put them straight to bed.... Then Ray finished carving the pumpkins without the help of Payotn.. He was extremely disappointed.. He enjoyed the lights going on.. off... on... off.. Courtesy of Payton!!!! Now don't get me wrong I love my kids, but Payton has way to much attitude and Abriee can really be a whiner!!!! Its okay to be annoyed by your kids Right??? Anyway out pumpkins turned out really good... One is a moon with bats and the other is a ghost.. We actually have one more sitting outside but I'm not sure that we are going to carve it.. We will probably just throw it away.. Here are some pictures
of Payton and Abriee enjoying the pumpkins!!!
Here are the finished pumpkins thanks to Ray and his carving skills!!!! I have to admitt that they did turn really cool. To bad no one can see them cause we live in a culde sac and tree cover our porch!!!!

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Messed up plans...

Last night we had planned to carve pumpkins. I was excited to see how Payton was going to react this year to the pumpkins... Well... we had to change plans.. This weekend Payton was kind enough to flush a comb down the toilet and he threw a plug and some clippers down the sink drain..We didn't think much about until the sink wouldn't drain and the toilet wouldn't flush. So Ray had to take the toilet out to dig the comb out of it.. So I spent the night keeping the kids out of the bathroom and Ray spent the night playing with the toilet.. Haha That's why I married him.. He can do anything..What a handy man I have!!! So hopefully tonight we can carve some pumpkins and I will have some adorable pictures of the kids while carving pumpkins!!!

So a couple weeks ago Payton busted his eye open and I found the picture of it and just thought someone might want to see it.. His first black eye was given to him by a guinea pig Ha ha.. What a story to tell when he is older...
Here are some pictures of Paytons eye... Good thing its all healed and stitches are out...
Hopefully I will have some more pictures tomorrow of the kids if we get to carve pumpkins. I will let you know how that goes...

Monday, October 22, 2007


So yesterday I woke up feeling like crap so I decided that I really didn't want to deal with the two kids in church so I stayed home. So to make my day a little productive I decided that I should start on the kids baby books and scrapbook some pictures.... I started and realized that I should have went to church cause I could have had a 2 hour break from Payton.. Oh well what do ya do!!! So anyway I was going through some pictures and found some really cute ones of Payton.. I have so many pictures of Payton and hardly any pictures of Abriee.

This is Payton when he was about 9 months old..

Last Halloween when carving pumpkins Payton had to eat everything... At first he was scared of the pumpkins and after about 10 minutes he decided that they were okay so then he had to eat it. Seeds and all... he pooped seeds for a week!!!!

This is after we went trick or treating last year.. He was so cute!!! We were only out for about and hour and he looks like we were out for 6.. He shouldn't be tires Ray and I had to carry him cause he wasn't walking.. what a brat!!! And yes he did actually eat some of his candy the rest Ray ate!!!!
When I find more pictures I will post them. I am trying to find the pictures of when Payton was really small right after birth.. I will post them as well as some more of Abriee when I find them.. Wish me luck!!!

Saturday, October 20, 2007


I have been tagged by Katie.

I'm not going to bother with rules cause the only person I know that has blog is Katie and she tagged me..

1. I love my kids.. I think I have the cutest kids and they are the funniest kids ever. The have the best personalities and I love spending time with them..Yes they drive me crazy at times but I absolutely love them to death!!!

Abriee 7 Months Payton 20 Months

2. I love to scrapbook. I am not very good, but at least I try. I am way behind and need to catch up and I am trying.. Hopefully when I start again I will get better..

3. I love the rain. I love the smell and the cool weather that usually follows. I'm pretty sure that it has something to do with spending my first twelve years in Kentucky.. It always rained and it has stuck with me.I love the sound when the rain hits metal roofs. Its awsome!!!

4. I have a bad habit of biting my nails. I am not sure exactly when it started to get real bad, but I have noticed lately that I bite them all the time. As a result I have no nails and it really bugs me..

5. Believe it or not I actually like to sew and if I really take time to do it I am good. I did make Abriee's blessing dress and it was cute I have to say!!

6. I really hate to drive..It puts me to sleep. When we go on long trips I always go to sleep and Ray hates it. Even when we drive to Roosevelt to see family I always sleep on the short 2 hour drive. So unless I really have to go somewhere or have the urge I stay home.. If is a long trip I have to have someone go with me...I know I am lame!!!