Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Magic Dragon...

Payton attends a program called PEEP (which is an early intervention program for children who are behind in developing). Yes, my son is a slow developer in certain aspects.. Mostly speech and fine motor skills. So since today is Halloween they had a Halloween party. My mom bought Payton a "Magic Dragon" costume. ( I don't really care for Halloween so whatever Grandma buys it what we dress up as!!) I decided to dress him up and now he won't take it off.. I finally got it off and he threw the biggest fit ever.. I didn't want him to get lunch all over it before tonight. Our ward is having a Trunk-or-Treat and that is all we are going to do..Spend about an hour and they will have enough candy for a long while... Payton just loves his Magic Dragon costume and he thinks that he is really a dragon.. He walks around the hour going "woo woo" and then "ba ba". Whatever all that means... He waves his hands around as he says all this and its the funniest thing ever!!! I'm not really sure what he is trying to do, but it sure makes me laugh... Here is just a preview of what he looks like as the "Magic Dragon"...

Tonight I will have pictures of both kids!!! Abriee is going to be a ladybug!!!

1 comment:

Katie said...

I'm excited for more pictures!!! I think you are so funny!!!! That's what I've always loved about you... your wit! hehe