Thursday, September 25, 2008

Good news...

Caydence is finally in an open crib and out of his incubator. He has been in an open crib since Tuesday night around 10:00 pm. So he is scheduled to have his hearing test done today and his circumcision done this morning. So today could be the day if all goes well. Just waiting for that call that says come get him. Its amazing how the light just clicks with one day and then all the sudden he is better.

We are so ready for him to come home so we don't have to spend what spare time we have at the hospital.. Last night he was doing great when we went up to visit. So hopefully he will do fine today with his circumcision and come home today.. Wish us luck!!!!

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

He's here,but not home....

Friday September 19, 2008 we had a baby boy.. He was 6lbs 7 oz and 20 in. long.We named him Caydence Phillip Keel. He is a doll and looks just like Payton. I think I have my work cut out for me when he gets older!!! I was so excited to find out it was a boy. So Friday evening around 5 pm he was having some problems being all jittery and shaky so they checked him out and found out his sugars were really low. Way down in the 30's which is extremely low and verging on some serious problems. So they immediately stuck him in the NICU and has been there since. Thankfully his sugars have leveled out and we have no problems with that any more..
Now the poor kid can't keep his body temp up. He is in an incubator right now and the air in the incubator has to stay around 95 degrees and higher just so his body temp will stay up in normal range. The doctors can't say why he can't keep it up so its kinda frustrating right now. We can't hold him much just when he eats and then we have to put him strait back in the incubator.. So right now its a waiting game and I have no idea when he will be able to come home. Now we make it up to the hospital to visit when we can, but with 2 kids at home it makes it hard to make it often.

I came home lat night( Sept. 22). I am actually entitled to another day or so, but my kids at home need me more then Caydence does right now. I actually feel pretty good just sore from the c-section. I figured that since having gone through this once before with Payton that it would be easy to go home,but I have had a really hard time with Caydence being in the NICU. So hopefully I can handle it well enough until he comes home. Hopefully by the end of the week he will get to where he needs to be.. I am just glad to be home. Abriees' world has been turned upside down and she was having a hard time when I was in the hospital. She was so excited when I came home yesterday!!! She is a doll..