Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Sick kids....

I am so sorry it has been so long... I have not been feeling so well. I have been tired and just sorta having lack of energy to do much.. Not to mention i have had 2 sick kids and 1 sick husband.. Well Ray counts as 3 sick people!!!! Don't know what it is but when he gets sick he is a pain!!! Complains all the time about being tired and needing some rest.. Where is my rest and when I am sick why don't I get to rest??? Joys of motherhood I guess.... So forgive me..Not much has been going on just up at nights with kids and all day try to figure out whats wrong.. I wish they would just tell me so I could fix it instead of playing the guessing game... Oh well hopefully tomorrow they will start to feel better..

Just to let everyone know the picture of Abriee in the last picture does make her look big. Everyone who sees the picture tells me.. To me she is big but compare her to any other 8 month old she is small..Just to let everyone know... I guess you have to see her to believe it.. And I also have a distorted view of what normal is.. When Payton was 8 months old he looked like he was 5 months old.. So what is normal I have no idea when it comes to children.. My babies are born small.. Payotn 3lbs 7.7oz 2 months early and Abriee 5lbs 12oz at 37 weeks. So whatever I love them to death... Sorry to run but one of the babies are awake and I need to go take care of it..And to think we are thinking about trying for number 3!!!! What are we thinking????

1 comment:

Katie said...

Why are men so whiny when they're sick!!!!