Friday, November 30, 2007

Pictures, pictures and more pictures

Today I took Payton and Abriee to Kiddie Kandids to have their pictures taken, but Payton would have nothing to do with it. The minute we walked in he started crying. I was sooo mad at him. We did get him to sit and take two pictures, but they were so ugly I just decided to have Abriees pictures done. And she is soooo stinkin' cute.. Here are what we had done...

I just can't get over how adorable she is... We have such a hard time getting her smile in the picture because she is so quick with her smiles it takes forever. For these 6 poses it took us almost and hour.... Crazy huh??? I was pretty disappointed that I couldn't get Payton to get his done. I wanted so bad to have them together.. Oh well maybe in a week or so.. But here are some of them that we had done about 2 weeks ago...
Abriee and I just hanging out..
Payton and Abriee trying to get along..
Ray and I showing our love...
Abriee just hanging out by herself.. How cute is she??

1 comment:

Katie said...

Those pics are cute!! Except... i'm not sure how I feel about the kissing one! HAHAHA I like the last picture a lot!!!