Like I have stated in previous blogs we have decided to buy a house. We have been looking in the Ogden area and really only because it is cheap!!!! We like cheap.. I also like Ogden and had spent a couple years there going to school so I am okay with it. I know its kinda way out there but that's okay too.. So the past few weeks we have been looking at houses and driving back and forth is the pitts. Especially the gas prices.. Talk about a whole in your pocket!!! Finally after weeks of looking we have found one that we like. The owner wants it closed by the end of the month. So closing date is set for Dec. 27.. What a great Christmas gift for Ray and I.. Kids don't really care so that is a good thing as well. Hopefully things will go smooth and after Christmas we will be in our new house.. This is what the house looks like from the outside.. It come with 1/4 acre and is 3 bedroom 1 bath.. It is so stinking cute... We just hope all goes well..

I have been doing so much getting all the documents signed and faxed, the other day I was working with my printer. It is having major issues. Abriee was playing in here exersaucer and it got really quiet. I looked over and she was a sleep. She was so cute so I had to get a picture..
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