I have been debating on whether or not to change our blog name. Ray said it was kinda dumb when I first started this and I have been debating on whether or not to change it. I have a few ideas and I am just kicking them around for now. I don't know.. Just don't be surprised if you get on and its all changed up.
Here is a picture of our wonderful Gracie.. Hopefully one day she will not be under my feet everytime I turn around. Now she is definately worse than a kid..

She is such a cutie though!!! It really gets to you when she looks at you with her sad little eyes... We love her even though she does drive us crazy!!!! Just like our children. Rays claims that the new baby is #4 cause the dog made #3... Tuff luck for him she doesn't count as any child ever!!! But still wouldn't trade her for the world either!!!