Yesterday I had a doctors appointment and I took Payton and Abriee with me. Of course Ray came along to keep them on track. So we decided to weigh them to see how much they weigh.. I don't know why we were so surprised to find out that Payton weighed 26.4 lbs and Abriee weighed 24.2 lbs.. It seems kinda funny that even though they are 12 months and 18 days apart Abriee is just a big as Payton. It also got me wondering about how much they should gain in a month. Since Abriee was at her 12 month appointment she weighed 22 lbs. So in 3 months she has only gained 2 pounds. Is that normal? Since then Payton weighed 26 lbs so he has not gained any weight since his 2 year check up. Is that normal not to gain any weight in 3 months..??? Who knows, but I am not going to worry too much unless I notice that they are starting to loose too much weight..
So everything is good with the baby so far.. Just a little high blood pressure and a little baby on the small side, but normal for me.. Now here in the fun part of seeing the doctor every 2 weeks for a month and then probably on a weekly basis.. So much fun.. It wouldn't be bad if it was a normal appointment but from here on out its a 45 minute ultrasound and a word with the doctor that usually takes about 10 minutes or so.. Not to mention that every single time I go to see the doctor he is always 30 minutes or more behind.. What a joy.. So add it all up I wait for usually about 45 minutes before I even see him and then I am there for a least another hour!!! I am so excited.. The good thing is that Ray gets to come to every appointment with this baby casue I can see my doctor after he gets off work.. So at least I have someone to kill the time with!!
No we are not finding out what we are having cause frankly I don't really care and for once it will be interesting to just know when it comes.. It doesn't matter anyway too us what we have. Well that what we tell ourselves, but honestly Ray would like another little girl and I would like a little boy.. I can deal with boys much better than I can girls.. Abriee is too needy for me and she drives me crazy. She always needs to be held and cuddled and all that stuff that I am not too fond of. Payton drives me crazy only because he does things he knows he isn't suppose to. If he had it his way he would just play and need no supervision!!! What a great kid!! So we will see what we have whenever it decides to come!!

Tuesday, June 17, 2008
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