Thursday, July 3, 2008

Like father like son..

Yard work, yard work, and more yard work.
Last night we decided that we would do a little yard work. The stuff I hate to do in the heat and it even makes it worse when I am carrying extra pounds!! I usually mow the lawn, but lately Ray has been doing it. Every time I mow it about half way through I start having contractions and he has to finish it anyway. Last night as I was playing with Abriee I happened to look up and see Ray and Payton mowing the lawn.. It was so cute and Payton had this big grin on his face. He was so excited to be helping and he thought that he was such a big boy.. I couldn't pass up the opportunity to take these pictures.. I thought that it was just so stinking' cute.. FYI Paytons help only lasted about 1 1/2 times around our yard and then he was done and on to better activities.. His favorite as of lately is throwing sand on Abriee and pestering her until she cries!! he really does love her,but he like to see her cry. For some reason he thinks it's funny and laughs when he makes her cry.. What a boy!! I do believe that is typical of boys. Right?

On another note I have been dog sitting for my mom. A few weeks ago she bought her a little dog. It is half Shitzu and half Pug and its the cutest thing ever. Well he is really ugly but cute at the same time. He is only about 12 inches long and weighs only about 2 pounds. He is about the size of Payton when he was born just a little shorter!! Mom calls him Pugsy and we call him Mr. T. He has a Mohawk in the center of his head and hair around his face that is sporadically growing and he reminds us of Mr.T. He looks like an old dog, but he is only 12 weeks old or so.. In case I didn't post we got rid of our chocolate lab. She was way to much for me and the kids really didn't like her. She was too hyper and way to big for them to play with and being a puppy we couldn't really expect nothing else. So we sold her to a nice family that will take care of her and actually have time to train and stuff with her. Honestly I enjoy not having the extra responsibility in taking care of her. I will have to say that the small dog is much better..

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Oh NO!!..There's a bird in the house!!

Last night as we were having dinner we heard this noise in the kitchen. Out if the corner of Rays' eye he could have swore that he saw something drop out of the ceiling. We looked and couldn't find anything. I just figured if it was anything it would have been a mouse , but we searched and couldn't find anything.. So we just went about the rest of the night like nothing had happened.

Later that night after I had put the kids to bed I kept hearing this noise in the kitchen at the bottom of our corner shelves. It sounded like it was coming from plastic sacks I had on the shelves. So I once again went over and looked and I couldn't find anything. A few minutes later I heard a noise that sounded like a cry and so I searched again.. Nothing. Ray went and looked he found nothing. So we went to bed and I never thought anything about it again..

Well this morning Payton got up and he was looking under the shelves on the floor and kept coming up to me and saying "Quack, Quack" ( that's his duck and bird sound) I couldn't figure out why he was saying it and looking under that shelf. I just figured he was repeating the cartoon that was on and I just blew it off. Well he was so persistent on it and kept repeating"quack, quack".. So I looked again and Abriee was trying to get under the shelf as well. It was then that I figured something must be under there. I was just hoping it wasn't a mouse cause they are gross and it was probably dead if it was. So I get my big belly on the ground and lay down to look under the shelf and there was the mysterious noise maker.. A baby bird.. It had been there all night. The kids were trying to get it to play with it. It was kinda gross cause it had been trying to get out and apparently couldn't figure out how and it had poop all over the floor. I was so not excited to tackle that mess.

I got the bird out and let the kids play with it. Payton was scared to death of and Abriee just wanted to carry it around and poke at it.. It was pretty funny.. So mystery solved. Somehow a bird flew in our house and got stuck on the floor under a shelf and spent the night in the house. I let it out this morning and hopefully it found mom or home..