So like I have said Payton had Croup on Wednesday. Well he never seemed to get any better and so on Saturday I had to take him to the ER cause he had a fever of 102 that wouldn't go down no matter what I did. So Saturday afternoon when spent the afternoon in the hospital trying to figure out what was wrong with him. He just cried and sat around the house. He wouldn't even sleep because of his fever. Well anyway it turned out that he was a little dehydrated and had a major ear infection. After he got some drug in him he felt better and is well on his way to being himself again...It is good to be back to reality..
Luckily Abriee hasn't gotten any worse. Just the everlasting cold that never goes away. Other than that she is her normal self. We are trying to get her to crawl and she is well on her way.. She is at the rocking stage where sh will rock back and forth on all fours.. Hopefully soon she will catch on and get it.. I really don;t know why I want her to crawl, but if she can get where she wants to go then she won't cry as much...
I stayed home Sunday with all my sick kids and lounge around the house... After a while I decided That I needed to get out of the house and so we decided to load the sick kids up in the van and go for a drive.. Along our drive we saw a nice kitchen table sitting by a house that had a free sign on it.. So we asked the people if it was really free and they said yes so we loaded it up and took it home.. Now I have a really nice wooden kitchen table with four matching chairs.. And it was FREE!!!!!!!!!!! I love free stuff...
I had been trying to get ready to go to Ohio this week for a funeral. I found out that my grandma has passed away on Friday.. So we had been rushing around to get things ready to leave on Sunday and trying to get the kids better.. So having to spend the day in the ER was a nightmare with all the stuff I had to get done.. Laundry being the biggest one.. Well we found out Saturday night that my Aunt had cremated grandma and so services were going to be on the next Saturday instead of Tuesday like originally thought. So then we didn't have to leave until Wednesday. I was glad.. Gave me time to get things ready.. Well then on Sunday night we found out the my Aunt just got tired of dealing with everything and was mad at everyone and people were mad at her so she just dumped the ashes somewhere and now its all done.. That just pisses me off!! What a jerk... No one even got to say goodbye or anything.. I was so mad and my mom is so upset.. I feel so bad for her and she has been upset for the whole weekend and I can't blame her.. Sorry , but I guess I just needed to get it out... Some people just really have no respect for anyone and only care about what is easier for them.. How hard is it to say services are on Thursday at 10:00 am. If you make it you do you don't you don't.. Oh well... There is not even a place to remember her by... I just hope everyone will get over and my Aunt is really happy with herself and she feels better. She has screwed everyone out of closer and their final goodbyes.. She wasn't the only child... I just get so mad when things like that happen..
Well that was my weekend!!! Crazy, sad, bad and all that stuff... Hope everyone else had a good better weekend than I did!!!

Monday, November 12, 2007
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