Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Abriee Jo....

Last week Abriee had a well child check up and she is doing good. She weighs 18 ilbs 3 oz which is very well, but she has actually gone down on the growth chart. When she had her 6 month checkup he was in the 50th percentile with weight and height and at 9 months she is in the 37th percentile. So we have to make sure she gets more to eat than just formula and baby food. Hopefully she will get back up when she foes in for here 1 year checkup. There is also a bump on the side of her eye and so she had to see the eye doctor this week to see what's up with that. Well it turns out she a dermoid cyst ( happens in the womb when the skull grows togther, skin gets caught in the skull so when it grows together the skins grows outward) Nothing really serious, but she does have to have it removed. So next Thursday (20th) she goes in to have it removed. It is only about 1/2 hour procedure and she will go home same day. They do have to put here totally asleep and hopefully she will do well with that when waking up.. It is just always scary when your little one has to go through things like that. Even though it is a safe proceedure, there is always something that could happen. So she just needs to grow a little more and get back on the charts!!!!

The inspector is out atthe house today so we will know for sure tomorrow what the deal is and when we will close for sure.. Still looks like we will be in our new house by the 29th of the month. Still running sround like chickend with our head cut off getting things signed, packing, Christmas, and doctors. What a crazy month. I will be happy when it is all done..

This is the picture when we took the kids to see Santa..Payton loves Santa!!

Sunday, December 9, 2007

Fun in the snow...

These last few days Abriees been sick. She will sporadically throw up all over us and she just sleeps all day... On top of Abriee being sick I woke up this morning with Pink Eye.. What a thrill. So needless to say I didn't really feel up to dealing with a sick child in church so we stayed home... Ray decided that he need some air so while Abriee was taking a nap Ray took Payton outside to play in the snow... Payton looked so cute in his snow suit. He could barely walk with the big bulking suit on.. It was so funny..
Payotn before going outside!!!!
Payton making a snow angel!!! Attempt anyways!!
Payton playing outside trying to see with the huge snow suit on!!!
Not a very event full day and I should have been in church, but I was a slacker and stayed home.. One sick kid and one out of control kid equal headache and I already had a huge one!!!