Today as I was putting groceries away I turned on the t.v to have some noise.. The kids were napping and I wanted something to listen to.. I happened to turn to Oprah and she was talking about "Plural Marriages" the political correct term.. So I got interested just to see what these women have to say about their lifestyles and their beliefs.. They gave us a look at their homes and how they live.. Can I tell you they have some huge houses and they are gorgeous.. Not like anything you see in Colorado City, AZ... It is all mondern and the kids go to public school, play soccer, have music lessons and all that jazz...These women dress like us, act like us, and they have all the same technology that we do.. the only difference is that they share their husband with other women.. The lady on Oprah shared a husband with two other ladies and all together that had 22 kids with another on the way.. Crazy!!! I could never share my husband with anyone let alone a sister like most of them did.. I was just so interested by the way the think nothing is wrong. Of course they are not legally married, so I guess its just like having multiple mistresses since the husband can only be legally married to one of them.. They all look happy and act happy and I just wonder if they really are..
I also wonder what the husbands do to be able to afford the house they have with 33 bedrooms and 5 flat screen t.v's.. What the heck!!! How do they afford that when they have to take care of 23 children and 4 adults?? I have no idea where I am going with this, I just think its crazy that people really want to live that lifestyle and expect not to be looked at differently.. It was suggested that the polygamy or" Plural Marriages" (to be politically correct) not be a crime and punishable by prison time. They just want to be left alone. I mean I really don;t care what other people do in their lives, but I think it is definitely wrong to have multiple wives.. I really think it messes with the kids minds.. I don't know, it was just really interesting to hear their side and see how they really live and go about their daily lives.. Could you share your husband and be happy??? And am I the only one who thinks it's really crazy??

Friday, October 26, 2007
Thursday, October 25, 2007
Toooo tired !!!!!
Yesterday I was doing some stuff in the kitchen and walked into the living to find my angel asleep on the floor. It was the cutest thing ever.. Holding her toes and sleeping like a princess!!!! Payton was running around being loud like always and there she was... sleeping. So of course I had to get a picture and thought that I'd share it with you all.... It didn't last long.. Once Payton realized I was taking a picture he had to wake her up and hog all the attention.. he really is going to be the smallest bully ever!!!
Pumpkin Time!!!!
Last night we decided to get the pumpkins out... If we waited any longer we would have not done it and missed out on the fun!! Ray enjoys it more than me.. I think I may be allergic cause when I touch the inside of the pumpkin to clean it, I get a little rash and I am all itchy!!!! Yuck.... and Payton really enjoys it for some odd reason. He just like to eat the pumpkin and we found out so does Abriee.. Well she like anything that she can put in her mouth!!!! Ray enjoys carving especially when they turn out as cool as they did last night.. I have to say that last night we cut the pumpkin carving short and I put the kids to be cause they were driving me insane.. Neither one had a good nap and they were all fussy and way too much attitude for me!!! and not to mention that Abriee almost choked to death three time last night by trying to eat the seeds.. she turned blue once and we thought that we were going to need and ambulance.. But she finally coughed it up just to put more in her mouth... What a weirdo!!! She ate some pumpkin and wasn't too fond of it.. So after about and hour of it I bathed them and put them straight to bed.... Then Ray finished carving the pumpkins without the help of Payotn.. He was extremely disappointed.. He enjoyed the lights going on.. off... on... off.. Courtesy of Payton!!!! Now don't get me wrong I love my kids, but Payton has way to much attitude and Abriee can really be a whiner!!!! Its okay to be annoyed by your kids Right??? Anyway out pumpkins turned out really good... One is a moon with bats and the other is a ghost.. We actually have one more sitting outside but I'm not sure that we are going to carve it.. We will probably just throw it away.. Here are some pictures
of Payton and Abriee enjoying the pumpkins!!!
Here are the finished pumpkins thanks to Ray and his carving skills!!!! I have to admitt that they did turn really cool. To bad no one can see them cause we live in a culde sac and tree cover our porch!!!!
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
Messed up plans...
Last night we had planned to carve pumpkins. I was excited to see how Payton was going to react this year to the pumpkins... Well... we had to change plans.. This weekend Payton was kind enough to flush a comb down the toilet and he threw a plug and some clippers down the sink drain..We didn't think much about until the sink wouldn't drain and the toilet wouldn't flush. So Ray had to take the toilet out to dig the comb out of it.. So I spent the night keeping the kids out of the bathroom and Ray spent the night playing with the toilet.. Haha That's why I married him.. He can do anything..What a handy man I have!!! So hopefully tonight we can carve some pumpkins and I will have some adorable pictures of the kids while carving pumpkins!!!
So a couple weeks ago Payton busted his eye open and I found the picture of it and just thought someone might want to see it.. His first black eye was given to him by a guinea pig Ha ha.. What a story to tell when he is older...
Here are some pictures of Paytons eye... Good thing its all healed and stitches are out...
Hopefully I will have some more pictures tomorrow of the kids if we get to carve pumpkins. I will let you know how that goes...
Monday, October 22, 2007
So yesterday I woke up feeling like crap so I decided that I really didn't want to deal with the two kids in church so I stayed home. So to make my day a little productive I decided that I should start on the kids baby books and scrapbook some pictures.... I started and realized that I should have went to church cause I could have had a 2 hour break from Payton.. Oh well what do ya do!!! So anyway I was going through some pictures and found some really cute ones of Payton.. I have so many pictures of Payton and hardly any pictures of Abriee.
Last Halloween when carving pumpkins Payton had to eat everything... At first he was scared of the pumpkins and after about 10 minutes he decided that they were okay so then he had to eat it. Seeds and all... he pooped seeds for a week!!!!
This is after we went trick or treating last year.. He was so cute!!! We were only out for about and hour and he looks like we were out for 6.. He shouldn't be tires Ray and I had to carry him cause he wasn't walking.. what a brat!!! And yes he did actually eat some of his candy the rest Ray ate!!!!
This is Payton when he was about 9 months old..
Last Halloween when carving pumpkins Payton had to eat everything... At first he was scared of the pumpkins and after about 10 minutes he decided that they were okay so then he had to eat it. Seeds and all... he pooped seeds for a week!!!!
When I find more pictures I will post them. I am trying to find the pictures of when Payton was really small right after birth.. I will post them as well as some more of Abriee when I find them.. Wish me luck!!!
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