We took to the kids to the ward trunk or treat tonight to enjoy a little trick or treating.. Payton was excited once again to get in his dragon costume and
Abriee dressed up as a ladybug.. They were so cute.. Payton couldn't wait to get out the door... Since the church is literally right across the street we didn't have that far to walk and I didn't worry much about the kids getting cold.. Well I am an idiot because when we got home
Abriees nose and ears were frozen!!! Poor little thing.. We were only out for half an hour... It was colder than I thought it would be.. The cold didn't phase Payton... He just from one to the other getting candy.. It was the funniest thing cause he couldn't figure out why there were so many kids and why the looked so different..So he walked around staring at everyone and holding up every line there was.. He was hilarious..Here are some pictures of the kids before we went out..

This is funny... Before we headed out of the house Payton realized that he had a tail to his costume and it freaked him out!! He was trying to run away from it and get it off. He screamed every time we put him down cause he could see his tail... It was the funniest thing ever.. So this is him crying because I set him down and he wanted away from his tail!!!!!

The final candy count!!! Pretty good for two little ones that can't talk and had to crowd their way in between the big kids eh???? Come on.. they won't even eat it.. Ray will oh yeah and I will get the good stuff!!! Although Payton did tear into the suckers before he went to bed.. He had to eat three at a time.. What a dork!!!
So there it is..Woo Hoo Halloween is over.. I am not a big fan so it is fine with me that it is DONE!!! Hopefully the older they get they won't care for it too much.. Hopefully take after me!! Candy candy candy.. That's all its about and I need none of that around our house!!
Hoped You Enjoyed Halloween!!! We Did!!!