I have been tagged by Katie.
I'm not going to bother with rules cause the only person I know that has blog is Katie and she tagged me..
1. I love my kids.. I think I have the cutest kids and they are the funniest kids ever. The have the best personalities and I love spending time with them..Yes they drive me crazy at times but I absolutely love them to death!!!
Abriee 7 Months Payton 20 Months
2. I love to scrapbook. I am not very good, but at least I try. I am way behind and need to catch up and I am trying.. Hopefully when I start again I will get better..
3. I love the rain. I love the smell and the cool weather that usually follows. I'm pretty sure that it has something to do with spending my first twelve years in Kentucky.. It always rained and it has stuck with me.I love the sound when the rain hits metal roofs. Its awsome!!!
4. I have a bad habit of biting my nails. I am not sure exactly when it started to get real bad, but I have noticed lately that I bite them all the time. As a result I have no nails and it really bugs me..
5. Believe it or not I actually like to sew and if I really take time to do it I am good. I did make Abriee's blessing dress and it was cute I have to say!!
6. I really hate to drive..It puts me to sleep. When we go on long trips I always go to sleep and Ray hates it. Even when we drive to Roosevelt to see family I always sleep on the short 2 hour drive. So unless I really have to go somewhere or have the urge I stay home.. If is a long trip I have to have someone go with me...I know I am lame!!!