For all of you who like to keep up with my boring blog, you won't get much from me. Our computer has crashed on us and we will have to get a new one, we have fixed that one so many times it is just done with I think. I am using my sisters right now and since I see here like once a month I will not be blogging for a while. Sorry...
To update you since my last blog, not much has happened. ray is finally working again and working a lot so we are thankful for that. We had a good Christmas and New Year. Didn't do much for either, but it was good just be able to spend time with the kids and see them enjoy the holidays.
The kids are growing like crazy and Payton drives me crazy with his questions, but he sure is funny trying to talk!!! Abriee is just cute as can be and tries so hard to help out when most of the time she is more trouble than help!! its cute though. Caydence is growing so fast and is so big I hardly know what to do with the kid. He is growing out of his clothes so fast I am about out of clothes. He had is 4 month check up today and is 15 pounds and 24 inches long, What a chunk. He does have a double ear infection, has begun teething, and has a cold and is so congested he can hardly breathe. But he is still happy as ever. He smiles and laughs even though he has all this wrong with him. He is my favorite!!
That's all that is going on in my world. The 3 kids keep me busy and on my toes all day. We are doing well. Ray is preparing to take his journeyman's test to become a journeyman electrician. Hopefully in the next few weeks he will be done with all the tests. Wish him luck and hope he passes so we don't have to pay for it again!!!!
Sorry again for the delay in blogging and hopefully soon we will have a new computer!!!

Monday, January 19, 2009
Monday, December 22, 2008
Here it is !!!

Here we are. The whole family!!! We finally got around to getting family pictures done since we had Caydence. I am finally getting around to getting some things done. We have had a rough run since we had Caydence. And honestly I hate this time a year for construction work. Its always such a bummer when Ray gets laid off especially so close to holidays. From September to December he worked like a whole 65 days, then the first week of December they laid hm off. Ah!!! I hate that!! Finally he is back to work after a whole 3 days of being laid off. And now its 11:00 pm and he is yet to get home!! I guess I can never when with this job. So while I am waiting for him to get home I thought that I would post our family pic.
This is truly our entire family. No more coming from these baby makers. We are officially DONE!!! It feels good to know that when Caydence is done with formula we are done, when he is done with diapers we are done!! We made sure we are done. Since birth control is really not an option for me I had my tubes tied. Three is enough for us and and keep us busy enough.
Caydence is getting cuter everyday. He is starting to laugh and smile more. I am so excited for him to be more active so that Payton and Abriee can actually enjoy him to. They enjoy him now and miss Abriee is mommy number 2. The second she hears him cry she runs over to see whats wrong. The funniest is when she hears that his nose is plugged and she runs for the nose sucker and tries her best to get those boogers out!!! Caydence doesn't enjoy it but I think it is so cute.!! She will make a great mom one day!!
Now that she has really figured out what a "baby" is, she now has her own baby and takes such great care of her. Of course what would life be without the brother to steal the baby and make you cry!!1 Yes of course Payton has figured out how "fun" it is to make Abriee scream. It makes me laugh sometimes and other times it drives me up the wall. Good news is that Payton is starting to talk and his favorite things to say is " sister did it" and "who's that" and " why". Now "why" drives me nuts. It funny though!!
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
More pictures of Caydence..

This one is my absolute favorite. I love how he has his one eye open like he is just peeking on us to make sure he doesn't miss out on any excitement!!!
I love how they turned out.. Courtesy of JC Penny Studios. They did such a great job. We are so happy to have Caydence. Even though we feel overwhelmed with the three of them we would not change it for the world. Caydence is a little more challenging than Payton or Abriee was, but I somehow find the patience to get through each day without going crazy!!
Ray always asks why we have such hyper active children that seem not to listen and are always into everything!!! I tell him that we have them so we can learn patience. Heaven Father knew we needed to learn to be more patient in life with everyday things so he gave us Payton, Abriee and Caydence.. Believe me we always have that thought in the back our our minds that Heavenly Father trusted us with his precious children to raise them right and learn to be better parents everyday.. Everyday we learn to be even more patient. We have a big job on our hands and we strive everyday to be better parents. Payton, Abriee, and Caydence never go a day with out knowing how much the mean to us and how much we love them. We thank Heavenly Father everyday for our children and are so blessed to have them.
I know that it is way past Halloween, but I thought that I would just do a quick entry about the kids anyway. Payton was a horse and Abriee was a unicorn. Costumes courtesy of Grandma. I am not too big of Halloween so its nice that Grandma is willing to buy them costumes. Abriee was going to be a baby lamb, but we couldn't get her into the outfit, She just had to have a horse like Payton so we opted for the unicorn.. They still looked pretty cute and they both enjoyed it.

This is the kids with Ray when we went trick or treating.. I had every intention of taking lots of pictures, but yeah, the batteries died and we had no extras.. Go figure.. At least I got two!!
They aren't really sure about the trick or treating though. It could have been that they could barely walk with four extra legs!!! Abriee can barely walk with the two she has let alone add four more!!! She has got to be the clumsiest girl ever!!! By the end of the nite Payton was actually saying "trick or treat" fairly well. Abriee just looked at people and smiled!!!
This is the kids with Ray when we went trick or treating.. I had every intention of taking lots of pictures, but yeah, the batteries died and we had no extras.. Go figure.. At least I got two!!
The nite went surprisingly well. We were worried that Payton may not enjoy and get freaked out by all the other costumes.. Especially the scarier ones,but he did well. No joke he is the biggest scaredy cat ever. He is scared of the funniest things.. Example, he loves to eat bananas, but he is scared to death of the peel. If you try to get him to throw the peel away or pick it up he freaks out. It's hilarious!! He did fine and just looked at everyone dressed up like they were nuts and went about his way.. What a good kid..
Luckily we didn't get toooo much candy.. Ray ate all the good stuff so it saved me from eating too much.. I hate having candy in the house.. Payton is about the only one who could use the extra calories!! That skinny little thing!!
This is later when Kasiah and Jessica came over with their baby and brought costumes so we could take some pictures of all the kids dressed up for Grandma.. Bryzaunna is the strawberry and Donavyn is shrek.. Donavyn is a mommies boy so he was crying cause Kasiah wasn't holding him. But he sure is a doll and a great blessing to our family.
Oh yeah, if you see the black eye that Abriee has it from a Halloween party we went to. She was coming down the porch stairs and feel off the porch hitting her eye on the corner. They were concrete stairs so it hurt pretty bad. She had the black eye for three weeks..
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Pumpkin Carving..
Last week we carved pumpkins with some family and I thought that I would post them on my blog. Also since I haven't posted in a while I thought that I would add something new. I have decided that I am not a big blogger person, but I try to at least do something once a month. Anywhoo just like last year Ray did some massive carving. I tried to do some myself this year. Yes we did use stencils, but hey they turned out pretty good.
This is Payton and Abriee helping us to get all that gross stuff out of the pumpkins. Try as they may, they sure didn't like the stuff. To actually get them to pick it up throw it away was not happening at all. For some reason they both don't like slimy things. Payton more than Abriee. Its funny..
Pretty cute eh???
This is my sister Jessica and her little one Bryzaunna. I can't believe that she will be 1 in January.. Crazy how they grow up so fast.
Now this is the finished product when we got done with the pumpkins.. It took us a while, but they were okay at the end.
Friday, October 10, 2008
Payton, Payton, Payton
Last night about 7:30 or so I hear Payton screaming from the kitchen. I go to see what is wrong and this is how I found him.. He likes to climb up on the counters to get into the cupboards and occasionally when he gets down he finds himself in a sticky situation. I thought it was kinda funny. He wasn't so happy and didn't see any humor it. I made him stay like that for a minute while I took some pictures. He really didn't like that..
Abriee was enjoying the opportunity to get some pay back for herself as well. She did try to help and console him, but then realized this was her chance for pay backs!! Ah leave it to the girls to get even when the time is right!!
This is Abriee trying to console him.. She was blabbing not that I could understand a word she was saying. I would assume she was trying to tell Payton he was going to be alright!!!
Finally she realizes she better take advantage of a sticky situation and get some good grabs in while she can!!! She got some good ones in too!!!
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