Friday, February 15, 2008

A what??? A BABY!!!!

So I have not been feeling so peachy the last couple of weeks and only one thing could be wrong with me... Of course its true.. After a home test I had to see a doctor to make sure it was a correct.. So yesterday I went to the doctor and yep... I'm pregnant!! Number 3 and sooooo excited.. I am just glad to be getting on the road with babies. My philisophy... have one baby have them all. No need to wait years and years to have all your kids.. Needless to say we are excited and a little stressed as well considering the facts of life right now. Anyway, I am only about 6 weeks so approximate due date in Oct. 8 or so.. I go back in 2 weeks to get another ultrasound to measure the baby since its not so big right now!!! Go figure!! In reality for me I will have the baby way before then. At least 3 weeks before then and mabe even sooner. The doctor says that at 32 weeks he will be looking to have a baby if the baby is in anyway stressed at all. So we are ahead for another long road with baby.. Just wanted to fill everyone in that keeps up with bloggin'.

I also came across this really cute It has some really cute counting tickers for the baby and the kids birthday.. Kinda cute so I posted one for each kid so everyone and see how old they.. Only if I could get pictures on this thing. Still trying to figure it out. I really just need to take it and get it fixed, but now that will have to wait until Ray gets back to work!! Watch for up dates on the baby and later I will try to get the ultraasound picture form yesterday up..


azufelt said...

CONGRATULATIONS!! Everything will work out gerat (you know, with the work thing and all) I am in love with babies... although 3 will turn your world upside down, you know that because you've talked to me on the phone!!

Keep me posted on everything!

Fauna said...

Wow! Baby #3 already. Wayne and I are the type that have to space kids out for our own sanity, but there are definitely pros to having kids closer in age. Good Luck!

Katie said...

You're pregnant!! HAHAHA I knew you would be soon..... but that's good for you, you make cute babies!