Sunday, February 10, 2008

Happy Birthday Payton..

Today Payton turnes 2 years old. Where has the time gone?? So we had a birthday party for him last night. My compture is still being dumb so I can't give you any pictures, but it was fun. He really couldn't figure out why everyone was watching him open gifts. I was so hoping that he would cry when we sang Happy Birthday to him, but he just looked at us like we were crazy and hid under the table. Last year when we all sang Happy Birthday to him he cried and cried and took forever for him to calm down. We missed getting it on video last year and so I was hoping this year he would. We had the camera ready and everything. He just looked at us like we were all crazy!! Oh well... We enjoyed it anyway and had a good time.. I attempted to make a Wiggles cake and I failed miserably.. Good thing he really doesn't care.. All he care about was the pictures of the Wiggles that I printed and put on the cake.. Those guys will keep him occuppied for ever..

Friday they layed Ray off work and so now we really have to be frugile with money.. Hopefully the work will pick up REAL soon. Something you have to deal with when you are in the construction business.. Winter months can be slow. We feel really lucky because there are guys that have been layed off since October and we have been blessed to have worked this long. At least he has insurance built up that will last until he gets back to work and as for money.. who needs that anyway.... Hopefully some other companies with the Union will have work.. If not then by the end of March something will come up when the works starts to pick up for Cache Valley.. Those of you who have ever been in this situation wish us luck..

Happy Birthday Payton!!!!!


Katie said...

Happy Birthday to your little boy! It doesn't seem you've been a mom for that long! hahaha Sorry about Ray, that is hard. My husband is worried about getting laid off too so he's been getting some other stuff together in case he does. Winter months do suck! Hang in there and keep paying your tithing!!!!

azufelt said...

yeah for birthdays! I'm glad he had a good time, and much to your disappointment (oh even Danyelle...) I'm glad that he didn't cry when sung to... poor little boy!!!

Sorry to hear about the job, We know how that goes, we'll keep you in our prayers, and I'm sure things will pick up again, you know, once the ice age leaves Utah (what's with that?!)